No Casinos Inc. Believes Voters Should Have Final Say on Florida Sports Betting

No Casinos, Inc., has had its say with the Florida Supreme Court on the future of .

The anti-gambling group submitted its to the court, claiming the proposed hub-and-spoke model for Florida online sports betting is disrespectful to the Florida Constitution and runs afoul of Amendment 3, which requires any new casino gambling laws to be approved by state voters.

Amicus curiae briefs, or “friend-of-the-court” briefs, are notices written by groups or individuals not directly involved in a legal case, but who could have some expertise or knowledge a court may find useful in making it decision.

Gaming Compact Violates Spirit of Florida Constitution

In its 33-page brief, No Casinos Inc. s counsel leaned heavily into the 2018 voter-approved Amendment 3, arguing th…